I went to watch Kuntilanak Kamar Mayat mainly because I am absolutely addicted to watching horror movies and partly because the poster is quite fetching (see left. Poster taken from www.cineleisure.com.my). But to be honest, I thought that the movie was quite bad though the storyline was okay even if it was predictably typical.
Basically, the story is about a girl named Din who is looking for her sister whom has gone missing. Her frantic search for her sister brought her to the hospital where her sister worked as a nurse. That was when she found out that her sister was pregnant and that maybe her disappearance may be connected to her pregnancy.
I was quite disappointed with this movie though I rarely do with horror movies. It was as if they had made this whole movie out of the scenes on the cutting room floor of another horror movie because the scenes felt like it was jumping from one to another with a part or two missing in between and there were scenes that does not seem to belong. It certainly does not help that the acting was equally as bad.
I feel that the movie could have been a little better with better execution, better acting and a little depth to the storyline. Just because ghosts appears every now and then does not make it a good horror movie.
you (n amir) and ghost stories.
the last time i watched horror movies it was with u, in puspa's room.movie marathon, remember?
ahahaha... what were the movies eh? takpe, nnt when u're back, kite marathon lagi...
hell no...aku kan penakut...
kita tengok teater banyak2, boleh? wink wink
boleh jer... tak wink, wink pun boleh... hahaha
hahahaha... klu shopping i tak la horror sangat cam tu...
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