I also thought that a shorter hair would be more manageable as my hair is crazy wavy. Not the soft feminine goddess-like wavy hair but more like "Poseidon has just gotten his first trident and is trying out its power creating waves so turbulent that even fishes drown" kinda wavy hair.
When I was much younger, I had always wanted to keep my hair long in a futile attempt to look more girly I suppose.
I distinctly remember when I was 8 and the school holiday was coming to an end. I had managed to avoid having my haircut during the 3 weeks holidays and had grown my hair longer than usual. I was damn proud of my 'long hair' and believed I looked like a fairy tale princess although now, thinking back I think I probably look more like a hobo sewer rat with it's fur unwashed for eternity plus 1.

My mom, failing to see the contorted image I had conjured of myself, thought it would be the best idea ever to cut my crazy, unamanageable hair short for school. I threw a tantrum so bad at the salon that everybody stared and I think I even manage to convince the hairdresser that a part of me had died every time she cut an inch of my hair off. Needless to say, my mom was not happy with me.
Which is why, it surprises even me to find out how much I love my new short do'. I felt like a million bucks the moment I step out from the salon. As if every eyes were fixed on me and they are ooh-ing and aah-ing at how wonderfully glam my hair looks. Finally, I think I might have just found a way to make peace with my hair. Like maybe, it has outgrown its rebellious adolescent 'everybody is out to get me' stage and became more mature, like me.
But my happiness was short-lived. I had mistook my lock's tameness as a sign of maturity or even maybe all those exasperated insult, begging, threatening and bribing I always throw at it is finally sinking it. Little did I know that it is merely biding its time to come back with a vengeance.
The transformation was subtle and went unnoticed. Like when a caterpillar transforms into a chrysalis/pupa and remained dormant until it metamorphosed into a beautiful butterfly. Instead, my crazy adolescent hair metamorphosed into a mad demonic hair from the abyss of hell.
As I stare at myself in the mirror this morning and saw someone with a hairdo that would make medusa's hair look like puppies, I give up.
And I'm pretty sure I heard my hair saying "Haha, gotcha sucker! No amount of hair serum and styling thingamajig could make me succumb to your wishes!"
Nik, jom lunch bebila. ko join tak far nye makan2 ahad ni? hida kata ko ada hal.
zazotttttt!!!!!!! jom, jom tp wiken leh tak? sbb klu wikday tak smpt nak lunch, dinner boleh...
eh, ko dok mana skng? aku dah balik batu caves...
hahahaha aku ske post ni buat aku gelak kuat2 dalam lab yg penuh dgn extremely academic academicians...mardidi
Thank you mardidi(nama baru?)!! :)
From time to time, i hit jackpot with my otherwise lame blog posts!
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