Something good did come out of it though. We learned that communication is really important in a relationship. We must always let our partner know how we are feeling and keeping quiet without giving any indication why could lead to disastrous result. Even if you are feeling really angry or frustrated or whatever and do not feel like talking about it at that moment or maybe you need some time to think or to come down or whatever, do let your partner know and don’t leave them in the dark because believe it or not, your partner cannot read your mind unless of course he or she is psychic. It may seem like such a simple thing but it really is quite important.
We also learned how much we love and care for each other.
One thing we never quite figured out is why our “friend” did what he did which almost break me and Amir up. And the irony of it all is that, that friend was the one who introduced us in the first place.
Nevertheless, all is well with Amir and I now!
thats why that friend refused to be "a friend to you".
you're right, conversation is very important.:)
talk to u later sis!
yup, see u later. can't wait! :)
nik..this 'friend' shudnt even be regarded as 'fren' da..(c how the word friend pon da di-shortened kan..)hehehe..
hehehe.. thx sha..
He doesn't deserve ur friendship then.
I don't get why he must hurt the both of you when he is supposed to be the supporting friend.
Anyway Nik. U know now why u are with Amir instead of him ;)
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