Anyway, on 29.3.2009 (yes, that is almost about 2 months ago) Team Maju (newly formed HRC futsal team) which I am a part of participated in a charity tournament organized by the Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) as part of their effort to raise fund to support the various programs they had going and also to help support run the centre. For more info on WAO, please visit their website at
(some pics of Team Maju with some of the players. Some of us did not play on that day but they came to give support :))
Anyway, we had been training really hard and were super excited to go for the tourney and when the day finally came, our anticipation mounted to see whether all the trainings we had undergone are going to pay off. Anyway, to summarize the whole tourney, we came, we saw but unfortunately we didn’t conquer. However all was not lost. We had fun, we get to wear really cool jerseys (we were the coolest looking team that day… hahaha) thanks to our dedicated team manager, Sherrie and we uncovered a closet superb goalkeeper in Jeffri!

(above: Jeffri, the Goalie) (below: Sherrie, the Manager)
2 pats on the back for our ever vigilant goalie and for everyone else for managing to survive the whole 5 matches in one piece and for actually managing to at least win one. Yay us! Can’t wait to do it again..
And most important of all, I heard that WAO managed to raise a considerable amount of fund, which is after all THE main event of the day. So, all was not lost!
p/s: the above photos were taken by Sherrie and Seira (the one in the yellow socks!). Thanks for the photos you guys!
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